Keto-friendly Mincemeat

This is the beginning of a very bad two weeks…

Mincemeat has never been part of my personal Christmas traditions. I grew up in Harrisburg, PA, with a maternal grandmother who was PA Dutch and very poor for most of her life. The first time I had it, I think was after I’d moved to Los Angeles and it was from a jar. Because I was curious.

It was gross. 

It was super sweet and that was all I could taste. But, I’m not one to give up on a food until I’ve made it myself. Plus, I know that mincemeat has its roots in Medieval Europe. I like a lot of medieval dishes, so I thought I’d see if I could find something that was low-carb/no sugar and create something magical.

I was not prepared for my back to spasm, then put me out of commission for 5 days. Yes, that’s right, 5 days

I started learning fire fans for another project I have. And I am used to shooting archery–or, at least, was used to shooting archery every weekend for 4-5 hours, in the Before Times. It’s a lot of the same muscles. My fans weigh about 7oz each. So, I was practicing for only an hour a day for two days. I woke up Friday morning and my back between my shoulder blades was tight, but I didn’t think anything of it–but, it was tight enough that I didn’t want to risk injury practicing fans. By the time dinner rolled around, my shoulder area felt like knives were being driven into it, and my ribcage felt like it was being pulled apart. I took two Tylenol to reduce inflammation, went to bed; I’d be fine in the morning.

But I was not fine in the morning.

Nor was I fine the next morning.

Friday to Saturday, I ended up sleeping on the cold, hard tile of the bathroom. Why? Because a) it was the only place I could comfortably lie down that my back didn’t instantly hurt, and b) this pain is so intense it makes me nauseated, so being near the toilet was ideal. But, because I didn’t sleep well, the pain intensified…and Saturday to Sunday, I also slept on the bathroom floor. Between about 6pm Saturday and 6pm Sunday, I had taken 10 Tylenol, 2 Naproxen, 1 Cyclobenzaprine (muscle relaxer), 1 Gabapentin, 5mg Hybrid, and 10mg Sativa. None of it worked. Monday, I had to go have my blood work re-done from my RA appointment two weeks ago. I took some Tylenol so I could drive and function and I was feeling somewhat better, but still not even 50%. I expressed to my nurse that I was pretty confident the results would be the same because of the pain I was in. This video was shot Monday afternoon and all I wanted to do was lie down and sleep. I still have to make the tart shells.  That night, I took a Percocet and a hot bath so I could sleep. 

Tuesday, I woke up feeling somewhat okay, but when I moved, all of the pain came back to my ribs and diaphragm and I spent Tuesday in bed. Wednesday was somewhat better. I filmed the other video that day and felt pretty good. I was wearing real clothes and was pretty happy–except that also included a real bra and that did not make my back happy. I ended up taking a couple Tylenol and switching to a sports bra. Today, I just started with the sports bra and I’ve been pretty comfortable.

Which just means I may film a Part 2 video this weekend to show you how to make the tart shells for your mincemeat pies! Excitement!

So, back to mincemeat.

Originally, mince meat had actual meat in it. It was a way of preserving the meat. It was a combination of sweet and savory flavors, usually a mix of spices and dried fruits such as figs and dates, in a very thick crust called a “Coffin.” The coffin was usually tossed because it was just a vessel in which to cook the meat, fruit, and seasonings. One of the earliest recipes for a mince meat tart can be found in a 14th Century book “Forme of Cury” and is a recipe for Tart of Flesh (c. 1390CE).

By the Victorian era, the meat ingredients for mincemeat pies began to disappear and the pies focused, instead, upon the fruits and spices. They also shrank in size from being the type of food one would use to feed a family to a more individual treat. 

Fun fact: According to the Chicago Reader, “Canned mince pie filling during Prohibition-era Chicago saw its alcohol levels spike to more than 14%.”

If you like boozy foods like I do, this is the recipe used for this video (and the potential “Part 2” video when I make the crusts). I used a chayote squash instead of the apple and I opted to use blackstrap molasses because I much prefer the slight bitterness of blackstrap. 

What are your favorite mincemeat recipes? Have you tried any from the Medieval period? Let me know in the comments below! If your a Patreon supporter, then hit me up on the Discord!

Fathead Burger Buns

Yep. It’s that kinda day.

Before I talk about the recipe I’m making in this video (which can be found here), let me just mention that I shot three videos on this particular day (Sunday, November 29), and I feel that none of them are particularly amazing simply because I was in so much pain that I couldn’t move very well.

And then when I woke up this morning (Monday, November 30) to put together the blog posts and such for the week, I thought I was going to die. Not to be graphic, but we’re going to talk about gas because there may be another change in the recipes I make. I’ll probably know more after my quarterly RA appointment on Wednesday.

For the past… two years? I’ve been getting very random, intense gas pains in the lower left quadrant of my abdominal cavity. In fact, I can pin point the pain to just above the protruding bit of my pelvis. Naturally, I have trouble with left and right (mostly because I was a tour guide in Hershey for a few years in which my right was Left and my left was Right and that really messes you up, after a while) and freaked myself out because I thought, “Maybe…this is appendicitis!!” I was frantically texting Cameraman Ken (who was just in the next room), panicking. Turns out, the appendix is in the upper right quadrant, so I had absolutely nothing to freak out about. When has that ever stopped me, though.

Anyway, today is day 3 of this pain. Sunday when I was filming was the worst, but I had to get it done. Cameraman Ken asked me the normal questions (like, “When was the last time you evacuated your bowls?”) and was surprised that everything, aside from the intense pain, was absolutely normal. It’s not bi-lateral pain, either. It’s located at that one point at my pelvis. So, whilst squirming in bed, trying not to throw up from the pain, I grabbed my phone and did some searches. I came across this information from Johns Hopkins:

“We see SIBO in patients who have had abdominal surgeries such as roux-en-Y gastric bypass or conditions such as diverticulosis of the small bowel. It’s more common in people with systemic diseases such as long-standing or poorly controlled diabetes, scleroderma, lupus, Crohn’s disease, celiac disease, and those with a lowered immune system.”

-Hazel Marie Galon Veloso, M.D., “How to Get Rid of Gas Pain”

Great. I have at least two of those things: Lupus and celiac disease. This is not something that happens incredibly frequently, but it does happen every few months. This is probably the 2nd time since June this has happened (that I recall…what even is time in this Covid-19 Nation!?), and prior to that, I think it had happened 3 or 4 times since January? Anyway, it’s very irritating and can be alarming. But, now you know what’s going on behind those dead eyes in the video. 😉

On to the fathead rolls!

I have made this recipe four times, now. The first time I made it, I made a half batch and really liked it. The second time, I made it into a pizza crust; the third time, I didn’t cut them before I put them in the freezer; and the fourth time, I made them for you! Cameraman Ken slipped some wax paper between the two halves of each bun, as well, before putting it in the freezer. I asked what that was for and he said, “To keep them from freezing together.” Oh. Right. That makes sense.

This recipe would definitely be easier if you have access to a food processor. The way I did it in the video seems to work the best for me, personally, since I do not have current access to a food processor. Plus, as much as I hate stuff under my nails, I do enjoy kneading dough. Plus, if the dough starts getting sticky or cools down too much, just pop it back in the microwave for 15-30 seconds and you’re good to go.

Simple recipe. Delicious recipe. You can also form these into hotdog buns, if you’d prefer or need. If you’re looking for a loaf of bread for sandwiches, I would use a different recipe for that, like this one. It has a very good flavor and is very sturdy. I’ve used it for grilled cheese and it’s wonderful! It does not rise like other breads, so keep that in mind, but it is quite good in its own right. I keep mine in the refrigerator.

Hope you enjoyed the post and the video! I’m still messing around with the plugins on this site, so please let me know if something doesn’t work that you think should!

Thanksgiving Prep: GF Sides & Desserts


This video is longer than I normally post, but we’re also going on an adventure through four different dishes that we’re making in preparation for Thursday. I thought it would be a good idea to do this one in advance, in case anyone wanted to use any of these recipes.

I’ll try to go in the same order as the video. I didn’t plan it out well, though. Which, I mean, that’s what everyone has come to expect from me.

Oh, really fast before I continue: If you like this blog and follow it for updates, please consider creating an account for–because this blog is moving! In efforts to expand this blog and the YouTube channel, I have purchased and have been importing all of my posts to the blog there. There will be more about this on Thursday, but I wanted to let all of you know about the impending change. When you visit this URL (starting next week), you will be redirected to to read the content there. I would love for you to join me there and continue supporting this blog. To do the things I want to do, it would be extremely cost-prohibitive to keep the site going.

Now! Onto the food!

Pumpkin Pie

I used the recipe from WholesomeYum for the filling. Mostly. I made my own pumpkin puree, though. Because it’s me and I love pumpkin. Not pumpkin spice; pumpkin. But I also made my own pumpkin spice blend. There are many different recipes available on the internet for it. It’s a lot of cinnamon, not as much ginger and nutmeg, then a little allspice and clove. Even though the pie crust was store-bought, so it’s only gluten-free and not low carb, I still chose a low-carb option for the filling. Same with the cranberry curd tart we’ll talk about in a few minutes.

Gluten-Free, Paleo Dressing

I’m used to cooking a Paleo/Primal style Thanksgiving dinner. In last week’s post about dressing a turkey, I made one type of stuffing that is made with ground meat (I think the recipe wanted pork; I used turkey. Lamb would have been better). This dressing (or stuffing, if you want to go that route) is made with a variety of veggies and some fruits. It cooks up pretty quickly and smells amazing. I’m sure it will also taste amazing.

Boozy Cranberry Sauce

Tori Avey is one of my favorite people to follow. She is a real person with a real life and has amazing recipes that favor a variety of diets, but specifically are kosher-friendly. She is Jewish, after all. Her recipe for boozy cranberry sauce came to my attention via Cameraman Ken and we decided to try her recipe instead of the one I do every year that is pucker-your-mouth tart. If we decide to use this recipe forever, I will definitely plan to make some sugar-free Cointreau or Triple Sec specifically to use in this recipe. I also need to make sugar-free Limoncello. But, that’s a story for another time–as well as another video!

Cranberry Curd Tart

One of my Facebook friends posted a link to a beautiful and vibrant red tart. I read the words “Cranberry Curd” and decided I needed to, at least, make that part. I was originally going to wait til after Thanksgiving to make the curd, but Cameraman Ken suggested that, since I had two pie crusts, I could just use both and make the tart, as well. By the time I got to this part in filming, though, I was out of spoons (or spell slots, whichever you identify with). I was having a difficult time recalling anything and my hands were starting to not work anymore. Cameraman Ken ended up doing the straining of the cranberry puree through a medium-mesh strainer, off-camera.

This entire 33:18 video took a total of 5 hours of prep and work to do. That’s also after we had to run an errand first thing in the morning. Long day was long.

Thank you for taking the time to read this post. If you like what you see here, please consider heading over to Patreon and supporting me there. I do have content for Patrons-only, starting at the $5 tier. Let me know if you decide to make any of these dishes for your Thanksgiving. Stay safe. Wear a mask; wash your hands; stay 2m apart! Have a Happy and Healthy Thanksgiving!

Dressing & Stuffing a Turkey

I know I’m going to get stuff under my nails….

Originally, this was going to be two separate videos. Cameraman Ken suggested just making it one video both for content and my sanity. I also got a new toy that we were playing with throughout this video–it’s a light ring. Let me know if it helps the lighting at all? I don’t normally watch my own videos until a lot later, so commenting or, if you’re a Patron, pinging me on Discord is the way to go.

First of all, what is the difference between stuffing and dressing? Technically, stuffing gets stuffed into whatever you’re stuffing and dressing is baked on the side or in its own container. The recipe in this video is, obviously, stuffing from Primal Palate, one of my go-to websites for Paleo/Primal dieting. We’ve been stuffing meats since the medieval times, honestly. I had stuffed tilapia the other night for Fish Friday. It’s not a new concept. Dressing is simply how a meat is prepared. Salting, peppering, and dry rubbing a steak are how you dress the steak. When did this get confusing? The Victorian era. Everyone was so prudish–which was funny because Queen Victoria herself, was not. They also, apparently, had the humor of a 9-year old boy and found the term “stuffing” to be mildly offensive–especially when it came to birds. If you need a little help with that one, I’ll just leave this post here and say no more.

So, “stuffing” became “dressing,” despite it still being shoved into the carcass of a bird. They really confused everyone, but now it’s more of a regional thing. Some place–I think the South–refer to stuffing as anything with bread in it and dressing as anything else. I think? I don’t know. I use the terms to indicate if the dish has been cooked inside the meat or if it’s been casserole’d, basically. So, you’ll notice in this video, I talk about the stuffing inside the chicken, but the dressing in the casserole dish. That’s just for clarity. For me, they’re pretty interchangeable. Especially since I can’t have regular bread and any bread I make molds before it goes stale.

When it comes to dressing a bird, there’s so many different things you can do. I’m using a chicken for this video because I don’t have room for a turkey in my fridge. Truth be told, I barely had room for the chicken! I don’t like skin. I can’t think of a single animal whose skin I eat. I don’t like the texture and it’s just… icky. So, I have Cameraman Ken remove it for me while I prep up other things I’m going to need for dressing my fowl. So, if you like skin, my recommendation is to peel it back and put small cubes of butter under the skin to help keep the bird moist and crisp up the skin. Rub it down with salt and pepper and any other spices you’re using, and make sure to get the inside of it, as well. Stuff your bird, and then tie its legs together. I was struggling, mostly because my brain shut off almost completely and I couldn’t figure out how to tie the legs. Cameraman Ken says to do a Figure-8…which I then had to figure out how to do because my brain was just done.

I can’t remember if I said this, but you’re going to roast your chicken or turkey for 20 minutes per pound (so a 6lb bird goes for 120 minutes, or 2 hours) at 325F. Please note, your bird is not done until it reaches an internal temperature of 165F at the thickest part of the meat. The USFDA doesn’t recommend stuffing turkeys or chickens because of “Food Safety,” meaning a lot of people just take out the bird when the timer goes off instead of verifying it’s safe to eat. Get yourself a meat thermometer and use it. Clean it off after each use to avoid bacteria and transfer.

Make sure to stay tuned for more Thanksgiving-related cooking and projects, and if you’re not already a Patron, consider becoming one and, as always, thank you for your support!

PS: It’s my parents’ 54th Wedding Anniversary today! Congratulations, Mum & Dad!

Paleo/Keto Pumpkin Chili

All Hail CAThulhu!

When other people talk about how it’s “Pumpkin Spice” season, I’m just talking about pumpkins because I love pumpkins. I’m not even sure why. They just make me incredibly happy. Which is why I bought 3 sugar pumpkins a few weeks ago so I could make some of my favorite pumpkin treats! We’ve made, pumpkin purée, pumpkin shortbread, and now, pumpkin chili! I still have a pumpkin left and I plan on making pumpkin pie with that! Though, I also want to make pumpkin butter. Hmm. We’ll see. I’ll probably have plenty of purée left over from my pie to make some pumpkin butter.

I found this recipe back in, I want to say 2011 or 2012, when I first decided to do a Paleo diet and start powerlifting. I’ve made it many times over the years because it’s my favorite chili. This time, I made modifications to the recipe by omitting the sweet potato and adding bell pepper and jalapeños; I also omitted the fresh basil, oregano, and cilantro and, naturally, added hot sauce.

Normally, I do this recipe in the crock on low for 8 hours. This time, however, I’d had this idea that I’d fill the pumpkin shell with it, but that turned out to be a bad idea, so I just did it on the stovetop. It’s not all that long of a recipe to make–probably about 45 minutes. I would not walk away from your chili, though. It has a serious potential to burn onto the pot, and you do NOT want that! Stay vigilant!

Thanksgiving is coming up soon and I guarantee I will have at least two videos about Thanksgiving foods! They will be low-carb, gluten-free, and delicious! I’ll even have a video (on a Thrusday) about how to dress a turkey (using Cornish game hens because there’s only two of us and I have no need–or place to store–a 12+lb turkey). Patreons have some videos just for them already posted–and we may even do a special Thanksgiving Patron-only video for a from-scratch, gluten-free green bean casserole! If you’re not already a patron and you want to see these videos, the $5 is where you want to be! You’ll get exclusive content in addition to what you find here!

Regardless of what you choose, thank you for your support! We’ll see you next time!

Hypocras & Mulling Spices

Jazz Hands!

As the weather turns colder, our drinks turn warmer–whether through heating them (like hot chocolate) or adding spices to them (like mulled apple cider or mulled wine). Mulling spices are a good and simple gift for people who like the taste of the fall and winter holidays. This recipe calls for about a cup of mulling spices, 12 9-inch circles of cheesecloth, 4-ish 9-inch lengths of a natural fiber yarn (such as cotton or bamboo), and two 8-ounce mason jars. There’s no set amount of each spice to use in your mulling spices. You’ll just need to break up your cinnamon sticks and, likely, your star anise. Everything else is perfectly fine as it is.

You’re going to put about 2-3T of the spice blend in the center of your 9″ circle, then pull up the edges and tie them up to make a little pouch. Put that into your mason jar and do it again! Make sure you’re tripling up on the cheesecloth! Stuff these little bags of heaven into your mason jars and then you can cut out a piece of cardstock to write your message of cheer on and stick it over the lid, under the band (to hold it in place). You can add a ribbon with bells and mini pinecones if you want, but it isn’t necessary. Voila! The perfect, simple gift for the holidays!

But, how do you use it?!

Easy. If you want to add some spice to your apple cider, simply pour your cider (about 1 quart should be plenty) into a pot, add your bag of spices, and let it simmer for about 10-15 minutes. Discard the bag and enjoy some mulled cider. The same can be done with wine or grape juice.

Speaking of spiced wines… Hypcoras is a medieval spiced wine that actually dates back to at least the Roman era! My friend over at Tasting History has a great video on the history and making of Hippocras (better than this one, for sure)! Romans enjoyed spiced wines, but the recipes weren’t always written down. The oldest extent recipe for a spiced wine dates to approximately 1340. It was called a piment and is what Hippocras developed from. There are many, many, many recipes about on the web for Hippocras. There are some that are very complex and some that are quite simple–like the one I made here. Hippocras/Hypocras/Ipocras/etc. is only as good as the wine you use. Mine is a very inexpensive Cabernet Sauvignon that is a bit sweeter than other Cabs I enjoy. To that end, I only used 2T of Swerve sweetener–and even then was hesitant! You should let it stand for at least two hours before straining and the preference is that it stands overnight. Despite the amount of sweetener in it, the Powder Douce is the stronger flavor and makes this drink a good mix of spicy and sweet. Hippocras can also be made with grape juice, but you will definitely want to adjust the sweetener for that (or just eliminate the extra).

Normally, I reserve my alcohol videos for my Patrons. If you’re not supporting me there, head over now and select your level of support! If you want to just tip me, $1/mo will get you access to my Discord server and the live streams I do there. If you want more content, $5 will grant you access to videos and blogs specifically for my Patrons! You may even get to see Cameraman Ken, too, on air!

That’s all for now. Merry meet, merry part, and merry meet again. Blessed be.

Enchilada Meatball Casserole

This is not my final form…

I hope everyone had a blessed Samhain. I know that, at this point, that was two weeks ago, but life comes at you fast!

Before I explain this video, I want to say that on November 5, I did my oral defense of my dissertation proposal. My doctoral work is in the field of Industrial/Organizational Psychology, with an emphasis on training and development. My study focuses on skill transference from playing games (in this case, Dungeons & Dragons) to working life. I’m very excited and by the time you read this, I’m hoping to have been granted approval to submit my study application to the Institutional Review Board (IRB).

Also! Happening this week on Thursday, I will be debuting my burlesque act! Tickets are still available (and if you use the code LAVINIA at checkout, you’ll get $5 off your tickets) and I’m also very excited about this particular endeavor, as well. Don’t worry, I’ll still be doing videos and such for cooking and witchery. You’re not getting rid of me that easily.

So, this video. This was a last-minute decision to record and my ADHD brain did not plan well. I started blocking another burlesque act and was way too into the blocking and lost track of time. I had a Halloween thing to do at 7pm, and it required a costume–a costume I’d planned on wearing all day! I just started my video too late, so I ended up having to finish the video as Dawn from Cry for Dawn by Joseph Michael Linsner. Pretty sure no one minds, but it was a cross-over I had wanted to avoid. Oh, well!

The casserole was really good. It was something that came across my Facebook feed the other day and I decided to give it a try. I still had the nightshade-free enchilada sauce from a while back (which was still good), so I used that and went from there. Cleanin’ out the fridge.

This post is kind of short. I apologize for that; I’m quite a bit distracted. I’ll try to remember to let you all know how the defense turned out and I hope to see you at my virtual burlesque debut!

Oh! Be sure to check out my Patreon for even more content and features!

Homemade Condiments

My favorite sweater…

I enjoy making my own condiments. I know exactly what’s going into them and I can customize them to my own taste. Honestly, I wanted to make a couple of other ketchups and mustards, but I didn’t have some of the ingredients I needed and I was very quickly running out of spoons.

I woke up in a massive pain flare. Like, I had to use my wheelchair when we went out, today, and I had to take NSAIDs in order to function at 60%. It was not a good day. I have several things I need to get done, too, and I just don’t have the focus or energy to do them.

At least I have one-serving bottles of Cabernet Sauvignon, gin, homemade tonic syrup, and a few other things to make tasty adult beverages (don’t worry, it’s been hours since I took pain meds; they only took the edge off, anyway).

So, the condiment recipes can be found here. I have made the rich, deep-flavored ketchup before and, honestly, it’s my favorite. But I do like the simple ketchup. While filming another video for later, I actually ended up making making more ketchup to use up my tomato paste. So, I gave it to my upstairs neighbors. Then decided to make them a container of mustard, as well. They were very excited. I also owe them eggnog.

The simple ketchup and the simple mustard really are simple. If you’re going to make the BBQ Sauce, I’d recommend whipping up the simple versions of the ketchup and mustard and using them in your BBQ Sauce. If you’re feeling particularly fancy, whip up the deep-flavored ketchup and the whole grain mustard and use those. There is a recipe for making your own Worchester sauce, however, if you stick with the Lea & Perrins, you’ll be fine as they are a gluten-free brand (and also the best, in my opinion).

I always add hot sauce to my BBQ Sauce. I want it spicy! So, I used the Torchbearer Sauces’ Garlic Reaper sauce and I was not disappointed!! I will be visiting my folks over Christmas this year, and I fully expect to go to the mall in Harrisburg and buy up some of their sauces! I mean, my mom gets Cameraman Ken the Zombie Apocalypse sauce every year for Christmas, but there are a few others we really want to sample.

If you went to the Paleo Leap’s site for the link for the condiments, you’ll see a lacto-fermented dill relish and a traditionally fermented horseradish. I’ve made both of these and I will tell you, they are fantastic. My neighbors were all very appreciative, as well. Well, for the dill relish. It’s been a few years since I made the horseradish. I really should do that again. Anyway!

Thank you, again, for subscribing to my channel and blog. If you’re able, consider popping over to my Patreon and supporting me, monetarily, there. It would help me bring more videos and content across your dashboards and allow me to give back to you, my supporters!

Eggnog – Low Carb & Dairy Free

“We can lay a trap for him and then we’ll have him, 1-2-3!”

‘Tis the season. Apparently. Because I was seeing Eggnog in the grocery store even before Samhain. It’s usually a Yuletide or Christmas drink. There are brands out there that are really good, but with my recent acquisition of intolerance to most tannins in things like whiskeys, spiced & dark rums, and gold & anjeo tequilas, I’m leery of store-bought eggnog.

Plus, I don’t really like eggnog, so why buy it?

I’ve made plenty of eggnog from scratch before. And it’s all been okay. This recipe, though. This one is the best. Naturally, I screwed up the first batch in the video, but my Lestie and her girlfriend were super giddy over it because they like sweeter drinks. So, I mean, no harm no foul. The one I taste at the end of the video is made with Swerve granulated sweetener and Heavy Cream because I do not have a problem with dairy. The filmed version is made with Truvia blended with cane sugar & stevia, and coconut milk. Both are tasty.

The hardest part is tempering the eggs. It was awkward for me to do it myself simply because a) I’m in the middle of a flare because of the weather change; and b) I was trying to stay out of the way of the camera. Behold, the silken hands of Cameraman Ken.

This concoction will last up to 3 days in the refrigerator, if you don’t just down it all in one night. If you’d like to spike it, you can add 3/4c of bourbon, spiced rum, or brandy to the entire quart of eggnog and have some fun! Just drink responsibly, please.

As is, this is a great drink for those who do not indulge in alcohol–y’know, like kids, those in AA or another sobriety program, people who just don’t like alcohol, etc. This is something I could confidently make for my parents that they may actually enjoy. Maybe heat it up, add some hot chocolate mix to it, and have a really creamy hot cocoa! Add it to your coffee as a substitute for your regular creamer. If you’re a Patron at the $5 tier or higher, you’ll have access to a video to show you what I chose to do with my eggnog!

Let me know what you think of this recipe! It’s a flavor of the holiday and it doesn’t take all that long to make. I’d love to hear your ideas about how to mix it up for the holidays!

Until next time, my Witchlettes! Blessed be!