I Haven’t Forgotten…

I haven’t forgotten this site. I actually am uploading videos, still, twice a week. I missed Thursday last week, though. Why?

Because I’ve been in a major pain flare for the past 3 weeks. I’m also trying to use cannabis to sleep since I haven’t been sleeping well since, like, December. So, I’m in pain, I’m exhausted, and I’m a bit cranky. Such is life. 🙂

I have a second channel that I started about 4 weeks ago (I missed filming last week because, sick). That one is called “Improved Initiative” and focuses on my research in Industrial/Organizational Psychology. Specifically, I’m advocating using Dungeons & Dragons to train leadership skills. Due to the shelter-in-place orders, however, I have to re-design my entire study. Fun (not really)! So, it’s going from the statistical quantitative nightmare it was going to be into a different statistical nightmare of the qualitative type.

So, basically, make sure you’re subscribed to my YouTube channel for the videos. I think I have about 5 that I haven’t mentioned here over the last three weeks. Plus today’s video. Yeah, I can link that here:

“Everybody do-o-in’ a brand new dance, now! C’mon, baby! Eat some LOCO MOCO!”

In addition to the second channel, redesigning my dissertation study, the pain flare, and recording videos for this channel, I’m also making masks and working on a burlesque act (I don’t have photos for obvious reasons, but you can find my burlesque stuff here). And if that wasn’t enough, I also have an art show I need to prepare for in October. I sometimes feel like I have too much going on, but if I’m not busy, I feel like I’m lazy. I mean, I already don’t sleep, so…gotta fill the time with something!