Mabon is a Sabbat that celebrates the end of summer and the beginning of autumn and the second harvest. This year, it falls on September 22. Mabon, similarly to Lughnasadh, is a time of Thanksgiving and gratitude. What better way to get into the spirit of giving thanks than by thanking yourself for surviving the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune that has been 2020 and taking a ritual bath!
Honestly, I just like using bath salts whenever I can. They’re easy to make and it’s so relaxing to use them. This one is a two-parter, so you’ll need two containers to make it work.
You’ll need dried chamomile, sage, and rosemary; sea salt, baking soda, and sandalwood essential oil. How much you want to use is up to you. Standard ratios are as follows: 1:1:1:1 on the dried plants to water (1 T each, 1 cup water) and 1/2c sea salt, 1 T baking soda, and about 5-6 drops sandalwood.
You’re going to put your herbs and water in a pot and simmer them for about 3 minutes. Turn off the heat, let them cool.
In the meantime, mix your sea salt and baking soda together, then add your essential oil and mix thoroughly. Put into a shatter-proof container (or live dangerously, like I do, and use a mason jar). I use a 4oz mason jar for these and pack the salt mixture into them. when you use it for your bath, you’ll use approximately half of the jar.
Once the decoction has cooled, strain it using either a cheesecloth or a fine mesh strainer. You should be able to fill a 4oz jar with the liquid. When you go to draw your bath, pour in your salt first and dissolve it in the water, then add 2oz of your decoction and blend it into the water as well. Climb into your tub and relax and focus on the many things you have to be thankful for.
You can make it more of a ritual, if you would like–light candles, cast a magic circle, whatever you’d like to do. I tend to keep my baths simple. Spend as much time as you require soaking in the energy of Mabon and the Equinox.
Merry meet, merry part, and merry meet again. Blessed be.
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