Paleo/Keto Pumpkin Chili

All Hail CAThulhu!

When other people talk about how it’s “Pumpkin Spice” season, I’m just talking about pumpkins because I love pumpkins. I’m not even sure why. They just make me incredibly happy. Which is why I bought 3 sugar pumpkins a few weeks ago so I could make some of my favorite pumpkin treats! We’ve made, pumpkin purée, pumpkin shortbread, and now, pumpkin chili! I still have a pumpkin left and I plan on making pumpkin pie with that! Though, I also want to make pumpkin butter. Hmm. We’ll see. I’ll probably have plenty of purée left over from my pie to make some pumpkin butter.

I found this recipe back in, I want to say 2011 or 2012, when I first decided to do a Paleo diet and start powerlifting. I’ve made it many times over the years because it’s my favorite chili. This time, I made modifications to the recipe by omitting the sweet potato and adding bell pepper and jalapeños; I also omitted the fresh basil, oregano, and cilantro and, naturally, added hot sauce.

Normally, I do this recipe in the crock on low for 8 hours. This time, however, I’d had this idea that I’d fill the pumpkin shell with it, but that turned out to be a bad idea, so I just did it on the stovetop. It’s not all that long of a recipe to make–probably about 45 minutes. I would not walk away from your chili, though. It has a serious potential to burn onto the pot, and you do NOT want that! Stay vigilant!

Thanksgiving is coming up soon and I guarantee I will have at least two videos about Thanksgiving foods! They will be low-carb, gluten-free, and delicious! I’ll even have a video (on a Thrusday) about how to dress a turkey (using Cornish game hens because there’s only two of us and I have no need–or place to store–a 12+lb turkey). Patreons have some videos just for them already posted–and we may even do a special Thanksgiving Patron-only video for a from-scratch, gluten-free green bean casserole! If you’re not already a patron and you want to see these videos, the $5 is where you want to be! You’ll get exclusive content in addition to what you find here!

Regardless of what you choose, thank you for your support! We’ll see you next time!

Incense for Mabon

I’m very proud of myself.

Mabon is coming up quickly and I’ve been trying to make some little tokens for the sabbat (even though it is not one of the sabbats I, personally, celebrate). I love incense, so it made sense for me to make this wonderful, loose incense for you as a way of demonstrating some of the things you can incorporate into your Autumnal practice.

The book I used for this video is simply called Mabon. There is a good history of the roots of Mabon and how you can celebrate it in the modern age. It also gives recipes, crafts, rituals, correspondence, prayers, etc. One of the recipes in it is for this incense.

You will need dried marigold (calendula), mint, and sage. I used rubbed sage for this because I use that in cooking. Since I do not have the appropriate environment in which to grow sage properly, I tend to use rubbed sage where I can, instead of sage that you’d find in bundles. Once I have a bit of earth and can plant my garden the way I want, I’ll harvest and dry my own sage. Regardless, use whatever sage you’d like in this. It will still smell amazing.

Make sure that when you go to burn this, you have a charcoal round. I did not have any (they’re in storage), and it does not burn well on it’s own. It needs help. But, it still smells really good, so you have that to look forward to!

This incense can be used for Mabon rituals, or around Thanksgiving to help cultivate a sense of thankfulness and gratitude, or any time of year, really. It’s a delicate scent and works well to relax and open your heart to give thanks and show gratitude for what the Universe has blessed you with during the year into this Second Harvest.

I hope you enjoy this incense. Let me know in the comments how yours turned out!